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Certified Industrial Hygienist Services

Industrial hygiene (IH) is “the science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace, which may cause sickness, impaired health and well-being, or significant discomfort among workers or among the citizens of the community.”


As a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), Mr. Lieberman is able to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and design prevention and control measures for contaminants and stressors which may cause sickness, impaired health and well-being, or significant discomfort.

His decades of experience in the field offer EH&S, Facilities and Design teams reliable and expert support – a “Guardian Angel” –  to help ensure the right choices are made the 1st time.

What We Do

Save time and money from frustrating mistakes that can be avoided with the intuitive expertise of a CIH on the team. For example, EIS can provide:

  • overall consulting on IH for large-scale projects
  • coaching to onsite staff regarding IH decisions
  • review and confirm technical IH calculations and  decisions
  • Coach and consult on IH concerns
  • Proactive, not reactive, IH advise (although we're skilled at the more complicated and costly reactive IH issues as well)
  • Facility assessment or audit, with the ability to look at multiple regulatory compliance issues (e.g. EPA,OSHA, IBC/IFC, DOT, Best Practices, and more).

Key Projects & Accomplishments:

  • Teamed with a company in the United Arab Emirates to provide refinery hazardous waste facility consulting service
  • Designed and executed a mold remediation plan for a major international builder, for a 700,000 sq ft arena under construction in North Carolina
  • Served as the lead designated industrial hygienist for the multi-million-dollar Air force Academy Chapel asbestos and lead abatement project
  • Was the  principle  consultant for the 405,000 sqft NOAA / NIST Skaggs  building in Boulder, CO where we designed over 20 point source ventilation systems to solve contamination problems
  • Served as an IH strike team lead for BP’s Hopedale, Louisiana, decontamination site
  • Lead a near miss incident investigation aboard a drill ship in the Gulf of Mexico

Other Projects & Accomplishments Include:

  • Serves as an expert witness for a Medical Cannabis Permit dispute case in Florida
  • Conducted over 12 evaluations for residences impacted by smoke and products of combustion from the Marshall/Superior fire
  • Produced and delivered over 10 AIA facility process design courses to over 350 attendees in nine States and Territories
  • Provide consulting services, hazard assessment and specification reports to recreational and medical cannabis facilities for design, IH, safety, compliance and good practice
  • Designed and obtained a patent for a safe liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) extraction room     design
  • Have assisted municipalities in California create appropriate regulation for cannabis extraction, infusion and laboratory facilities, for licensing and permitting
  • Provided IH support for the remodeling of TA 59-1 laboratory (addressed historic beryllium, lead and acidic dust contamination issues for assessing worker protection and  abatement practices. proposed and executed by the site and subcontractors)
  • Provided IH over-site support for the rehabilitation of two 50 year old steel water tanks which included: cleaning, shot blasting and repainting of the interior of the 80,000 cubic foot tank (ensured that subcontractor's confined space program, ventilation and IH monitoring were adequate for worker protection)
  • Assessment of operations & EH&S compliance for 15 MGD water treatment plant  
  • Audit review for a medical device company’s EH&S compliance
  • Designed and conducted an experiment to determine ETO off-gassing rate for a medical  device company
  • Designed & oversaw a confined space monitoring program for tank cleaning in GOM
  • Conducted a H2S survey aboard a production platform to determine source & control in GOM
  • Assisted Alaska Clean Seas (North Slope) with industrial hygiene audits, air monitoring,  training and hazard assessment systems  
  • Solved over 12 major indoor air quality (IAQ) investigations
  • Designed and conducted an air monitoring program for a DOE indoor firing range
  • Designed and conducted VOC and heavy metal sample program for a major plastics  manufacturer
  • Created four radioactive materials license applications for R&D labs
  • Wrote safety instructions for the sampling of mixed waste located at the DOE Pantex facility
  • Created an Internal Operating Procedure for sampling of compacted mixed waste
  • Produced and served as an instructor for over thirty 40- and 24-hour OSHA course  sessions
  • Directed the review of nine out of 42 Department of Energy Orders concerned with health and safety and environmental protection for RF DOE Office
  • Conducted numerous evaluations for subcontractor’ implementation of compliant onsite IH program
  • Provide cost effective hazardous waste disposal and volume reduction solutions
  • Created a series of IH chemical exposure assessment (EA) models applicable for various construction and maintenance-like activities
  • Reviewed Exhibit F (10 CFR 851) and produced suggested modifications that were adopted for use specifically for confined space work involving large domestic lead contaminated water tank rehabilitation
Mr Lieberman's LinkedIn
Want to talk? See How We Can Help You
Want to talk? See How We Can Help You
Want to talk? See How We Can Help You
Want to talk? See How We Can Help You
Want to talk? See How We Can Help You

Other Services We Offer

Looking for something a little different? We also offer a few more options that may help with your Environmental Quality Needs.